Statement on the Crime of Digging up the Tomb of the Umayyad Caliph Umar ibn Abd-ul-Aziz.

بيان حول جريمة نبش قبر الخليفة الأموي عمر بن عبد العزيز رحمه الله
مايو 31, 2020
Pernyataan mengenai kejahatan menggali kubur khalifah Umayyah Omar bin Abdul Aziz, semoga Allah merahmatinya
يونيو 1, 2020

Statement on the Crime of Digging up the Tomb of the Umayyad Caliph Umar ibn Abd-ul-Aziz.

Praise be to Allah and peace and prayers be on our Prophet Muhammad, the Last of the prophets and messengers

The sectarian regime in Syria has destroyed many of the historic mosques such as the Umayyad Mosque in Aleppo and al-Omari Mosque in Daraa, while Iran and its militias are still perpetrating double-sided actions in Syria. One side is setting up fake Shiite shrines, while the other side is the obliteration of any signs of Islamic civilization and its symbols, an act that is extremely dangerous on the identity of the country and its history and roots.

The Syrian Islamic Council condemns in the strongest terms the crime of digging up the grave of the Umayyad Caliph Umar ibn Abd-ul-Aziz, and emphasizes the following points:

– The great position and status of Caliph Umar ibn Abd-ul-Aziz is not limited to Syrians, but it is a great status in the hearts and consciences of Arabs, Muslims and the humanity. He is a rare historical symbol of justice, mercy and humanity.

– Repeated criminal attacks have occurred on the tomb of Caliph Umar ibn Abd-ul-Aziz including shelling, burning, and lastly, the ugly crime of digging up, which reveals a systematic criminal approach and a blind sectarian grudge with even a total decline in human feelings and sensation. Digging-up a tomb is a savage act condemned by all cultures, civilizations and international and humanitarian norms. This tomb was passed by various invaders, but none of them was as overwhelmed by hatred and criminality as there malevolent sectarian militias.

– The responsibility to defend the symbols of the nation, foremost among which is the Umayyad Caliph Umar ibn Abd-ul-Aziz, is not limited to Syrians, but it is incumbent upon Arabs, Muslims and every free human being.

– It is the obligation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation towards this hideous crime to expel Iran from membership because when a crime is so big, the penalty should be as big. Similarly, all international, Muslim and Arab NGOs of interest should undertake their duty towards this grave criminal event, and deter Iran from its continual sectarian action aimed at transforming the Syrian identity through aggression on its history and its present.

 Syrian Islamic Council
8 Shawwal 1441h corresponding to 31 May 2020.